ISE Topical Meeting


In order to register and make your online payment you must enable cookies and Javascript in your browser. The registration process takes advantage of these features to ensure that the transaction is processed correctly. The cookies are used solely for identification purposes during the transaction session and no personal data is evaluated.
Participant details (for participant conference badge)
First Name:*
Last Name:*

Invoice address Important: As a legal document once the invoice or receipt have been issued we are not able to alter the address.
If the payment is made by your Institute, please take care to enter the correct full address. If necessary check first with your administration.
2nd Address line:*
3rd Address line:

VAT number or other:
Enter your VAT number or purchase order number if you wish these to appear on your invoice and receipt

Participant e-mail address:*
Phone number:
Meeting Registration fees
Registration fee
EUR 700.00
Student fee*
EUR 300.00
* To receive the student discount please send a short letter by your supervisor confirming your student status to the ISE conference organization office.

Banquet booking for accompanying persons (1 ticket is included with the registration fee)
Accompanying person participating at banquet EUR 100 per pers.
Yes, I will participate to the Tuesday evening dinner (included in the registration fee)
No, I will not participate to the Tuesday evening dinner

Please check this box if you are vegetarian.
If you have a food allergy and/or intolerance, please contact the ISE Office
so that we can best meet your needs. Please note that extra fees may be required.

Printed Program

Printed program will be available for purchase at a cost of 10 EURO. The digital version of the program will still be accessible to all attendees free of charge.
In our commitment to sustainability, we encourage you to consider the digital version of the program.

Do you wish to be included in the list of attendees (name, address and e-mail) given to the exhibitors participating at this conference?
Yes, I wish to be included in the list for exhibitors.
No, I do not wish to be included in the list for exhibitors.

Please enter your accepted Oral and Poster abstract submission ID(s) (or the first 4 words of each title) of the accepted Oral presentation and/or Poster(s) you will be presenting.
This will ensure that your oral presentation and poster appear in the program.
If you have no presentations, please just enter an "x" in the first field below.
Each registered participant can not have more than two (2) presentations.
(Either one accepted oral and one poster presentation or two poster presentations.)
Abstract ID or Title: If more than two presentations are entered, only the first two will be retained.
Abstract ID or Title:
Please do not enter posters you co-authored and which you will not be presenting personally.

Please check this box to confirm you have read, understood, and accept the terms and conditions and the ISE Privacy Policy.
ISE Privacy Policy Acceptance

In compliance with the European Commission directive on the personal data protection the ISE has to ask you to review and accept the following policy on the Personal Data Protection. Failing to accept the below outlined personal data protection plan will prevent you from using the electronic services provided by ISE to its participants.

The ISE collects and keeps record of the personal information of its participants to ensure the participants can enjoy fully the benefits of the event. This personal information includes the participants names, affiliations, e-mail and phone contacts. This information is collected to ensure timely communication between the participant and the ISE office.

This includes:


Dissemination of the information about the society, ISE organized or ISE sponsored events like such as conferences, workshops etc...


Dissemination of the news of general interest to the event.


Participant dues records.

The personal information is retained securely by the ISE and the ISE will not share it with third parties. The ISE may be forced to provide this information if compelled by law to do so.

Read the complete ISE Data Protection Policy

Registration Cancellation Policy
In the event of cancellation by the delegate to participate at the meeting, the registration fee will be refunded according to the figures below. However, all processing costs will be covered by the registrant. Refunds are not given for no-shows. (N.B. Delegates with paid registrations who cancel later than 30 days before the conference begins will receive no refund of their registration fee)

Registration fee refunds
Until 30 days before Early Registration deadline: Full refund
Until Early Registration deadline: 50% refund
After Early Registration deadline: 30% refund
Later than 30 days before the conference begins: No refund
(All refunds are minus bank and handling fees of at least Euro 25)

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